If you've been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, whether in Orlando, Hollywood, or Osaka, chances are you’ve witnessed a wand choosing a wizard at Ollivanders wand shop. Think you can tell a CGI effect from a practical effect? Here are 15 Special Effects You Thought Were CGI But Weren’t in the Harry Potter films. Sometimes, the two types of special effects were combined in order to make them seem more realistic (as was the case with many of the creatures, like Buckbeak in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban). That being said, with the ingenuity that the special effects teams brought to the table, it’s not always easy to tell a practical effect from a computer generated one. Each Harry Potter film cost between $100-250 million dollars to make and utilized hundreds of special effects in order to bring the magic to life. These ‘practical effects,’ as they’re known in the industry, were necessary in order to keep budgets down. However, even among all the CGI and compositing, there were a large number of special effects that were done the old fashioned way.

With each film, the technology, creativity, and budget for effects increased, garnering multiple BAFTA and Oscar nominations - including, a BAFTA win in 2012 for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. These are very rare and are absolutely perfect for any Harry Potter fan and collector.Over a span of ten years, the Harry Potter films revolutionized the visual effects industry, specifically in Great Britain. He's in fantastic, as new, still sealed, condition. These were Limited Worldwide, and were only given to prizewinners of a competition on the release of the new Deathly Hallows Part 1 DVD. Although this is not in the movie, it maybe explains why the prize Dobbie looks knitted!!! He also appears in "The Order Of The Phoenix", "The Half-Blood Prince", and makes his last appearance in "The Deathly Hallows", when Aberforth Dumbledore sends him to the rescue in the cellar of Malfoy manor. She starts leaving knitted clothing half-hidden around the Gryffindor common room in an attempt to free the elves, which they find insulting. In "The Goblet Of Fire", he returns as a free elf and interestingly, in this book, Hermione is horrified by the cruelty she witnesses to house elves, and founds S.P.E.W., the Society for the Promotion of Elvish Warfare, as an effort to gain basic rights for the elves. He first appears in "The Chamber Of Secrets", owned by the Malfoy family, but Harry tricks Malfoy into setting Dobby free. Indeed, in 's Harry Potter Mega Poll, Dobby voted as the No.1 favourite magical creature in the series. He's an extremely popular character in many of the books & films. HARRY POTTER KNITTED DOBBY This is a very rare Harry Potter 7" knitted Dobby The House Elf collectible doll/toy.